Tuesday, January 26, 2010


photograaphs ov young gurls. muahaha. None have been retouched because I'm laaaazy.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

(no) Bummer in the Summer

Alright. These are some of the contact sheets of what I photographed over the summer. Most of the negatives are unbelievably over processed as I did not know that my camera's highest ISO rating was 400. Some are under exposed because it was dark out. It starts with my drive home with Heidi and ends with the State Fair because that's when my camera broke. I have a few more contacts but nothing of interest and I'm certain that a few rolls have gone missing. Thus is life.

Also, if you haven't heard Califone's cover of 'The Orchid',

you're a communist. It's what I'm listening to right now. It's amazing. It's been my favorite cover since "Roots and Crown" was released in 2006 and I've yet to hear one that can top it. Get hip to it.


Cape Cod with Nikki

These contact sheets are from a trip to Cape Cod with my dear friend Nikki. We saw some sights, ate some seafood and got drunk. It was beautiful.


New York with da Mom

These contact sheets are from a trip to New York with da mom. It was in May 2009 I believe. We met up with some family, went to see some photography and then got drunk. After she left I went to see Juddy.


Shots Magazine

These are three images I plan to submit to Shots Magazine for their upcoming issue with the theme of 'Smoke and Mirror'. Let me know how you feel about my chances.



An old image. My first 120 roll actually. I miss loaded the film into the development tank and shit stuck. I was making photographs of my then girlfriend because within 24 she would be on a plane to Tucson, AZ to return to school. I had just bought my Yashica Mat 124G or rather my mother had just bought me my Yashica Mat 124G and I had to shoot one roll even though I had no idea how to use it. I metered with my SLR because I hadn't yet bought a hand held meter nor did I know that I needed one or that they even existed. I painted the background on the floor of my dingy garage behind my apartment at 20th and Garfield in mid August when Lincoln is humid and hot as hell, when the sweat stick won't wash off. Leaves stuck in the paint which turned out to be very nice looking. I got Lauren drunk as soon as she arrived and we had a great time. I have polaroids of all the spilled wine. I was 19 years old. Somehow that seems like such a long time ago.
